What is Transpersonal Hypnotherapy?

Transpersonal Hypnotherapy is a natural extension of Transpersonal Psychology which was developed by Carl Jung, Abraham Maslow and others. It states that we strive toward self-transcendence and the realization of our spiritual potential. Transpersonal Hypnotherapy incorporates meditation with hypnotherapy to tap the resources of the unconscious mind and connect with the source of all that is. In this process it assists clients to wake up to their spiritual potential and help them connect to their inner wisdom or intuition. Transpersonal hypnotherapy is a holistic perspective on hypnotherapy, where the client's and the hypnotherapist's physical bodies, conscious minds, unconscious minds, and souls are all understood to be interconnected and unified within a universal spiritual consciousness.
Through the use of hypnotic trance states, hypnotherapy techniques, transpersonal therapies, as well as ritual and meditation exercises utilizing the inspection of the mind, it is possible to unravel our concerns and reach the full realization of our true nature.
In Transpersonal Hypnotherapy, there is an emphasis on the innate spiritual resources within each individual, along with the assumption that the guidance of a higher power will prevail within the therapeutic relationship, synchronistically bringing those insights and experiences that lead to the client's highest good. The scope of this inner journey work can be about any aspect which is presenting a need to be examined more fully to bring the client to a greater state of harmony.
It is an approach to holism that takes body, mind, and spirit into consideration; transpersonalism goes beyond the individual to consider the deep connections between human beings and our capacity to transcend the limitations of a three-dimensional consciousness.
Recognizing the whole person on a physical, emotional, mental, intuitive and spiritual level, there is an emphasis on the innate spiritual resources within each individual, along with the belief that the guidance of the superconscious mind will prevail within the corrective relationship, bringing into accord those insights and experiences that lead to the client's highest good. This orientation leads the practitioner into considering a broad scope of interventions that lead to mental, physical or spiritual changes and increased awareness.
In Transpersonal Hypnotherapy it is possible to address any aspect of the relationship between the mind, body and spirit, and their effects on one another; yet, there is no religious orientation suggested, but instead an unfoldment that makes it possible for clients to explore their relationship to a universal source and their own unique spiritual walk through human life. This way of working has a history as long as hypnosis itself with time-tested spiritual traditions of enlightenment and liberation. It will help relate experiences within a person's life as a meaningful part of personal development in which an individual can have the opportunity to grow into a greater sense of who they truly are on all levels.