
Reiki Classes
Reiki classes are taught in levelsThe Reiki Level I class is an approximately 5 hour class that consists of class instruction, 4 separate energy attunements and hands on practice for self healing. You will receive your Level I certification at the end of the class. The focus of Level I is on self-healing and as such, depending on how much healing work may be required it may take some time to process and integrate the energies.
The Reiki Level II class is also a 5 hour class that consists of additional class instruction, 2 separate energy attunements and hands on practice for client treatment and for distant healing. You will receive your Level II certification at the end of the class. The second level focuses more on branching out and being able to offer healing energy to others and across time / space. It too, will have an effect of raising your vibration and allowing for more clearing and healing which is a process that will take time to integrate and complete.
The Reiki Master Practicioner class is another 4-5 hour class that consists of additional class instruction, 2 separate energy attunements and hands on practice focusing on using these higher energies for personal and client healing. You will receive your Master Practitioner certification at the end of the class. This class focuses on deepening spiritual connection and using the energy and wisdom for personal development and client session enhancement.
The Reiki Master Teacher class is actually a series of training / practice classes. There is the initial 4-5 hour class with classroom instruction and two additional energy attunements. Following the initial training there will be as many practice classes as the student might need to become proficient in teaching the class material and in giving attunements. So the teacher portion is a more lengthy process depending on how much time each person might need to feel ready to teach and pass the Reiki energies to others.
Each level of attunements connects you to higher energy frequencies, raises your overall energy vibration and generally brings up anything requiring attention and healing. Because this process may be intense and also may be on-going for some amount of time I do recommend there be adequate time between levels to allow for this process to be accomplished with more comfort and grace.
Contact Margie for scheduling or for any additional information.
For location, signups or any other information please contact me.