Labeling & Lessons
As humans we have the tendency to identify all things by naming or labeling them. We label the things in our world so that we can readily identify them and communicate about them in dialogue. This makes moving through life easier, simpler - adds understanding and order to our world.
While labeling objects is a neutral act, we also have the habit of labeling emotions and in this process we tend to step away from neutrality. When we encounter circumstances that cause an emotional reaction we tend to start differentiating by labeling the type of experience by how it makes us feel. In this process experiences that evoke joy, bring smiles, elate us, make our heart happy, etc. we tend to label as "good" and conversely experiences that evoke pain, hurt, discomfort, shame, guilt, anger, fear, etc. we tend to label as "bad". In labeling our experience we start a valuing process that may give greater weight to joyful experiences and less value to difficult ones.
The human ego is by nature a pain avoidance system and as we encounter what we feel are painful circumstances in life we tend to label them and store them, hoping to not feel the discomfort again. Unfortunately, stored emotions never resolve themselves and in the end must be exhumed, experienced, examined, learned from and ultimately healed. The pain of emotional baggage can be stored out of our active consciousness, but still affects our lives and choices in many ways until brought to the surface and healed. "Emotions buried alive, never die."
With maturity and through actively seeking to take responsibility for our lives and our inner state of wellness a new approach may be found. Once old issues are processed and the stored emotions released and any wounds healed, then a space is open for a new way to deal with the experiences that come into our lives. In this new approach it is important to find more neutral language for what is occurring and to ask important questions as we move through the issue.
Rather than label experiences either "good or bad", call them what they really are - learning experiences. In removing the polarity out of our language about what is occurring we can remain in a more neutral space. Out of this neutrality comes the opportunity to ask what is being learned?, how can I resolve without storing for later?, what do I need to change?, what healing is needed?, how can I regain balance?, etc. All the many questions that may need to be asked and answered to process experiences in the moment and not store for later healing. Get to the heart of the lesson and move on.
We come into incarnation as a soul to learn some important soul lessons in each and every life chosen. It is through the specific experiences that are encountered and how we process through them that the lessons are learned. The soul will choose lives with a rich variety of life experiences for learning opportunities. From a soul perspective all experiences contribute to the learning process and are all of great value. So as we come to Earth we are actually coming to school - not for the education of the ego, but rather for the growth and development of the soul. It is from this perspective that we can find great value in all experience and do so in neutrality.
In peace............Margie