Power Of Intention
As humanity became more immersed in the societal structures that have become the world environment that we live in today, we progressively became disconnected from the natural world. We began to view ourselves, somehow, as the users and dispassionate observers of nature - as separate and apart from it. Ancient traditions knew, understood and lived lives that were not separate from nature, but knew that they were a part of the natural world. In a world that knows and values such interconnectedness it was impossible to be only a passive observer. They knew by the power of their intention, observation and action they played an integral part of the planet as a whole.....and accepted their place and responsibility in it.
Our modern environment has created a sense of separation - man vs nature, you vs other, outside of us vs inside of us, them vs us, etc. This has contributed to much of the chaos, destruction, war, etc that is so prevalent on the planet today. A return to a healthier understanding that all things created (including us) are from the same source - the driving force that moves through all creation. In such a world paradigm we can come to honor, respect, value all of life. However, it will only be by the power of intention that we can move to this higher plane.
Intention may be defined as a plan of action - a focused design - an aim that guides - action - an objective, purpose or goal. I would suggest that these words only describe a portion of what is needed to truly achieve the outcome by setting an intention. Successful intention needs three elements to be truly effective - thought, emotion and feeling. Without all three elements the success of intention work may be less than desired. Each element works energetically to draw the desired outcome to us. If thought = emotion = feeling, then our world mirrors the effect of our intention. So it is not enough to simply think you want change - you must be able to incorporate more of yourself in the intention. This involves adding the power of emotion and then feeling it in your body. By example, if the intention is to live in a peaceful world, then it is necessary to formulate it into thought (a clear vision) and add the element of emotion to that desire, then feel and hold the feeling of the peaceful world in the body/mind. This is the most successful way to achieve the desired outcome of intention work.
In the Hopi wisdom they eloquently remind us that each time humanity strays from the natural laws that affirm life in this world, our choices are visible in our societies and the systems of nature around us. As our hearts and minds become so separate that we forget one another, then the Earth acts to bring memory of our greatest attributes back into focus. "When earthquakes, floods, hailstorms, drought and famine will be the life of the every day, the time will have then come for the return to the true path. When prayer and meditation are used rather than relying on new inventions to create more imbalance, then they (humanity) will also find the true path."
These words of the Hopi serve as a simple reminder of the quantum principle which states that to change the outcome of events already in motion, we must shift our beliefs regarding the outcome itself. This is where the power of focused intention comes into play. With enough beings directing their intention to a new direction, a new world, a new paradigm then we can create a new, better, higher outcome.
"If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other." Mother Teresa
"Peace is not merely a distant goal that we seek, but a means by which we arrive at that goal." Martin Luther King, Jr.
When the power of peace is greater than the love of power....only then will there be peace.
We must be the focused intention dreamers to bring the new world into reality -
In peace............Margie